National Parks Association Describes 62 trees indigenous to the ACT, with photos, drawings, locations and key.
S. Sharp, R. Rehwinkel,D. Mallinson & D. Eddy.Friends of Grasslands An easy to use field guide for woodland trees, shrubs…
D. Eddy, D. Mallinson, R. Rehwinkel & S. Sharp.Friends of Grasslands. Especially useful for grasses and low‐growing plants in grassland…
Friends of Aranda Bushland. A pocket guide to the area’s grassy‐woodland plants. Species similar to those at the Pinnacle.
Don and Betty Wood.Wood’s Books Three 120‐page field guides, of species listed by colour.
Don and Betty Wood.Wood’s Books A 178‐page guide with species colour‐listed, named and with sizes and flowering periods.
McComas Taylor & Nicolas Day.National Parks Association A pocket‐size guide to local birds and their habitats. Some local bird calls…