On Friday 4th October, members of Queanbeyan Landcare kindly hosted Field Naturalists on a morning of discovery.
Michele Dovers, secretary of Queanbeyan Landcare, invited us to explore the Cuumbeun Nature Reserve on Captains Flat Road. Steve Dovers then organised a route and lead us on a guided walk. With a large turnout of enthusiastic participants, however, it was decided to split the group in two. Locals, Bill Willis and Tom Baker were on hand to lend their expertise and lead the second group.
It was a real delight to find such a healthy dry schlerophyll forest with its understorey largely free of exotic weeds and fire weeds, unlike so many degraded forests subjected to frequent prescribed burns.
Many wildflowers were starting to bloom, many birds were heard and a brown snake was seen. After a couple of hours of enjoyable exploration, we gathered for morning tea. Michele and Janet both brought home-baked baked cakes.
Thanks and gratitude to the members of Queanbeyan Landcare!
– John Stein

Photo by Kirsty Craven