Conservation Council of the ACT Region Local natural and cultural heritage; beautiful places to visit; useful tips on enjoying outdoor…
Conservation Council of the ACT Region Your local environment and actions you can take to protect it.
J. Gooderham & E. Tsyrlin.CSIRO Publishing Practical tips to find waterbugs, and what they tell about their environment.
Meredith Cosgrove.Meadow Argus 327 species in 1388 colour photos of whole plants, flowers & fruit.
Suzi Bond with Steve Holliday & John Stein.National Parks Association A comprehensive field guide to the surprisingly diverse range of…
Paul Zborowski & Ted Edwards (Editors).CSIRO Natural history and identifying features of families of the 20,000 moth species in Australia.
Roger Farrow.CSIRO Publishing A unique field guide that uses host plants and behavioural attributes as the starting point for identifying…
D.M. Finlayson.Geological Society of Australia (ACT Division) Our local geology, in photographs, landscapes, maps, diagrams; and a CD of possible…
ACT Government Information on native plants of the ACT region and their many Ngunnawal uses: for food, medicine, tools ……
Ross Bennett.National Parks Association Concise descriptions and superb photography for all 54 reptiles and 15 frog species in the region.